Well, Clerkenwell Showrooms (CS) is finally off to the races…as the evening gathering at Orangebox was well attended in spite of a sudden surge in Omicron cases.
Jeremy greets an enthusiastic crowd at Orangebox
There has been several attempts to start a community in the Clerkenwell District, and for various reasons they have not continued. Jeremy was unsure as to whether an appetite to start one now exists, until that is, the launch at Orangebox took place.
Liz Walker, Orangebox showroom manager provided generous support for the first CS meeting with the fabulous presentation facilities and her lovely staff on hand.
Urva Soni, Milliken showroom manager said it best ‘I thought it was a really good turnout, with so much positivity. It was nice to meet and connect with other showroom owners/managers and put some faces to names.”
Clerkenwell Showrooms - lets talk design by Matthew at Rivington Bye
Matthew, Design Director at Rivington Bye led the charge that at CS we get out what we put in - and in terms of design that can range from very simple to high-end collectibles. Ideas for consideration included, pocket maps, coasters, planners, and calendars - all serving as CS branded keepsakes that help trade visitors remember their trip and better navigate the ancient district.
Liz at Orangebox touched on the idea of mentoring for newcomers to the area.
In short, we possibly gathered too many ideas for the start of the CS community, but it is hard to resist when met with such a positive crowd. It points to the very real need we all feel after years of isolation, to get back to work and start collaborating face-to-face again.
A few CS Member initiatives were set out:
- CS A5 window stickers to signal official Member / Friend status
- CS Flag to signal participation of CS Open during all trade events
- Giveaway Map to assist with showroom wayfinding
The next CS Gathering will be held in mid June after CDW at Milliken
For all showrooms that attended, a big thank you for setting in motion the CS community.
Next Steps…
For those that were unable to attend please ensure you are on our mailing list by sending your details to: info@clerkenwellshowrooms.com or lookout for the next CS Event or email invitation.
Photography Credits: Marcos Bevilacqua
Not all ideas suggested were taken seriously…