CS Gathering at Orangebox


Thanks to all for attending the CS Gathering at Orangebox last week!

1. Host: Liz Walker (Orangebox)

Big thanks to Liz Walker for hosting the CS Gathering and providing a full bar and catering for the event.

Orangebox is one of Clerkenwells largest showrooms and is a founding member of Clerkenwell Showrooms.

2. Lone Worker Workshop: Urva Soni (Milliken)

Urva made a powerful presentation of the need to establish a 'Lone Worker' policy in every showroom. Dedicating Milliken's management resources, their policy document covers many of the security issues faced during Covid but also continue today. Urva explained that "while every showroom is different, many of the risks are the same".

Liz also volunteered the Orangebox lone worker policy document to provide yet another example for our members to share.

Jeremy reminded the group that the 'CS WhattsApp' is used to provide a means of alert for the community. "We encourage simple 'TXT' shorthand eg 'SOS' for immediate assistance or 'FYI' for general info"


Milliken - Lone Worker.pdf

Orangebox - Lone Worker.pdf

3. Catering:

Orangebox kindly provided catering supplied by 'Clerkenwell Kitchens' run by Emma who provided a fabulous buffet of cold food.

We will be adding Clerkenwell Kitchens to our CS Friends section on the CS website.

4. CS Presentation:

Jeremy made a short presentation (attached) of Clerkenwell Showrooms mission and its achievements over its short 2yr history. Our members are growing and we have ambitious plans for the future.


OB'23 presentation-v1.pdf

5. Next Steps:

Please feedback if you need any further information on any of the items covered.

Thanks again for attending and I hope to see you all again over the next event which is CDW '23.